Family dynamics and history can impact long term care discussions and the ability to reach consensus. When communicating as a family consider your unique family dynamics and each person's expectations and perspectives.
Regardless of your specific caregiving situation, you’re likely to engage in many challenging conversations with those you care for, as well as with other family members.
A high percentage of unpaid family caregivers in the United States are millennials, and they face special emotional and professional concerns because of dueling commitments.
A joint project of The Lindsay Institute for Innovations in Caregiving, VirginiaNavigator and The Daily Progress, the Senior Navigator magazine features insights and advice from thought leaders in aging and caregiving.
AACY works to increase awareness and provide support services for youth caregivers and their families by connecting them with health, education and community resources.’s mission is to support and build confidence in women who are managing their parents’ care. The daughterhood blog, website and social media links connect you — the care manager — to resources and a wholly unique perspective on our health and elder care systems. Through her writing and curation of resources, daughterhood’s founder, Anne Tumlinson, coaches women and men to insist on excellent care and a meaningful experience for their parents
As a family caregiver for a parent, child, spouse, or other loved one, you’re likely to face a host of new responsibilities, many of which are unfamiliar or intimidating.