Local, Statewide and Nationwide
Older Adult Advocacy Groups
Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect and promote the rights and interests of older adults.
Speakers, Workshops and Keynotes
Older Adults Advocacy
Statewide and Nationwide
Adult Protection, Prevention and Assistance (APS)
Prevention and reporting of abuse, violence, neglect, or financial exploitation against an adult.
Hotline for Adult Abuse
Victim to Victim (V2V) Retreats
Advocacy, Information and Research, Elder Abuse
Elder Abuse Information
Elder Abuse Locator
Elder Abuse Publications
Elder Abuse Information
Reports of Abuse, Adult Protection Services (APS)
Departments of Social Services
Referred to as DSS, these government agencies deliver and monitor social service programs such as Medicaid Cardinal Care eligibility, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Child Protective Services (CPS), and Adult Protective Services (APS).
Administration Office, Citizens Services
Domestic Violence Services
Programs providing housing and services related to domestic abuse.
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Publications
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Information and Resources
Anti-Violence Programs
Victims of Domestic Violence
Crisis Hotline for Domestic Violence
Older Adult Advocacy Groups
Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect and promote the rights and interests of older adults.
Commonwealth Council on Aging