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Statewide and Nationwide

Transportation, Medical

Programs for individuals who need local or long distance medical services and require transportation assistance due to financial or health conditions.

Road to Recovery Transportation for Cancer Patients

American Cancer Society
PO Box 4110, Glen Allen, VA, 23058
Main: (804) 613-3375 Toll Free: (800) 227-2345

Road to Recovery Transportation for Cancer Patients

American Cancer Society, National Home Office
250 Williams Street Northwest, Suite 600, Atlanta, GA, 30303
Main: (800) 227-2345 Toll Free: (800) 227-2345

Transplant Recipient Transportation

American Organ Transplant Association
Administrative Service Center, PO Box 418, Stilwell, KS, 66085
Main: (832) 930-2682 Fax: (218) 617-4274

CAN Air Transportation for Cancer Patients

Corporate Angel Network, Inc.
One Loop Road, White Plains, NY, 10604
Main: (914) 328-1313 Fax: (914) 328-3938

Non-Emergency and Emergency Ambulance Service

Medical Transport, LLC
5792 Arrowhead Drive, Virginia Beach, VA, 23462
Main: (757) 671-8911 Toll Free: (800) 322-3451 Fax: (757) 671-9047

Med-Trans Flight Transportation

Med-Trans Corporation
2200 Westcourt Road, Denton, TX, 76207
Main: (940) 591-5800 Fax: (877) 288-5340

Airline Travel Program for Patients

Mercy Medical Angels
101 West Main Street, Suite 1000, Norfolk, VA, 23510
Main: (757) 318-9174 Toll Free: (888) 675-1405 Fax: (757) 464-1284

Angel Flight Mid-Atlantic

Mercy Medical Angels
101 West Main Street, Suite 1000, Norfolk, VA, 23510

Angel Wheels

Mercy Medical Angels
101 West Main Street, Suite 1000, Norfolk, VA, 23510
Main: (757) 318-9174 Toll Free: (888) 675-1405

Non-Emergency Medicaid Transportation

7443 Lee Davis Road, Suite 200, Mechanicsville, VA, 23111
Main: (866) 810-8305 Toll Free: (866) 386-8331

Phi Air Medical

Phi Health, LLC
9990 Wakeman Drive, Manassas, VA, 20110
Main: (703) 393-7379 Toll Free: (800) 421-6111

Nationwide Medical Transportation

Tendercare of Virginia
14064 Little Bear Court, Montpelier, VA, 23192
Main: (804) 288-8763 Fax: (804) 417-4535

Medical Non-Emergency Medicaid Transportation

Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services
600 E. Broad Street, Suite 1300, Richmond, VA, 23219
Main: (804) 786-7933

Transportation, Pedestrian Safety

Programs, frequently directed at parents or their children, older adults, and people with disabilities that are designed to increase public awareness of the basic rules of pedestrian safety and the potential dangers of crossing the street or playing in or near streets and driveways.

Pedestrian and Distracted Walking Safety

National Safety Council
1121 Spring Lake Drive, Itasca, IL, 60143-3201
Main: (800) 621-7619 Fax: (630) 285-1434


United States Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Avenue Southeast, Washington, DC, 20590
Main: (202) 366-4000 Toll Free: (855) 368-4200

Pedestrian Safety, Towards Zero Deaths Virginia

Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
1401 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA, 23219
Main: (800) 367-7623 Toll Free: (800) 367-7623

Pedestrian Safety

Virginia GrandDriver
1610 Forest Avenue, Suite 100, Richmond, VA, 23229
Main: (800) 552-3402 Toll Free: (800) 552-3402

Transportation, Private Accessible

Private programs that provide door-to-door (or curb-to-curb) transportation for purposes of shopping, banking, social events, medical appointments, getting to and from work, and similar activities for people with disabilities and older adults who need accommodations and are unable to utilize other available means of transportation. Some but not all vehicles used for this purpose are equipped with wheelchair lifts. 

Accessible Non Emergency Medical Transportation

American Medical Response
2277 Dabney Road, Suite H, Richmond, VA, 23230
Main: (804) 585-3628 Toll Free: (877) 244-4890

Cycling Without Age USA , Loudoun County

Cycling Without Age USA
815 South Cascade Street, Fergus Falls, MN, 56537
Main: (701) 640-6668

Wheelchair Accessible Rental Vans, Norfolk, Virginia Beach Blvd

6059 East Virginia Beach Blvd., Norfolk, VA, 23502
Main: (757) 250-5585 Toll Free: (877) 275-4907

Accessible Medicaid Transportation

7443 Lee Davis Road, Suite 200, Mechanicsville, VA, 23111
Main: (866) 810-8305 Toll Free: (866) 810-8305

Transportation, Private Long-Distance

Long-distance transportation provided by private providers is generally offered between two separate metropolitan areas or rural areas of equivalent distance to a separate metropolitan area. Service may also operate in an interurban network or to a specific destination on a fixed route. Service is usually scheduled, but may operate at fixed intervals. Service may be one-way, open-ended, or round-trip. Unlimited trips may be available using a pass.

National and International Bus Service

PO Box 660362, Dallas , TX, 75266
Main: (800) 231-2222

Long Distance Bus Service

Main: (844) 800-6828 Toll Free: (844) 800-6828

Transportation, Public Accessible

Programs that provide door-to-door (or curb-to-curb) transportation for purposes of shopping, banking, social events, medical appointments, getting to and from work, and similar activities for people with disabilities and older adults who need accommodations and are unable to utilize other available means of transportation. Some, but not all, vehicles used for this purpose are equipped with wheelchair lifts. Also includes disability parking placards and information.

Community Transportation Referral

DARS, Office for Aging Services, Division of Community Living
1610 Forest Avenue, Suite 100, Henrico, VA, 23229
Main: (804) 662-9333 Toll Free: (800) 552-3402 Fax: (804) 662-9532

AMTRAK Accessible Transportation

1 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, 20001
Main: (800) 872-7245

Accessible Long Distance Transportation

Virginia Breeze Bus Lines
Main: (877) 462-6342

Accessible Medicaid Transportation

Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services
600 E. Broad Street, Suite 1300, Richmond, VA, 23219
Main: (804) 786-7933

Disability Parking, Placards and Plates

Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
PO Box 85815, Richmond, VA, 23285
Main: (804) 497-7100

Accessible Public Transportation

Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT): Service Locator
600 East Main Street, Suite 2102, Richmond, VA, 23219
Main: (804) 786-4440 Fax: (804) 225-3572