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339 results for "travel"

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Senior Health Program

Bon Secours Mary Immaculate Hospital participates in a Senior Services program that is focused on helping older adults age...

Accessible Transportation

JAUNT provides public transportation for the six-county area of Albemarle, Buckingham, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, Nelson, and the...

New Freedom Transportation

New Freedom, a program of Bay Aging, is a transportation service providing seniors and individuals with disabilities the ability...

Adventures in Learning

The Adventures in Learning program offers classes, workshops, seminars and discussion groups which will provide educational...

Senior Activities, 50 Plus Club

The Henry County Parks and Recreation offers a large variety of activities and social events for seniors age 60 and over including...

Legal Aid, Castlewood

Southwest Virginia Legal Aid Society in Castlewood (SVLAS) provides legal services to a low-income community of 92,000 people from...

Public Housing

Bristol Redevelopment and Housing Authority (BRHA) manages the public housing program, housing choice voucher program and tax...