Statewide and Nationwide
Long Term Care Insurance
Private insurance options for long term care.
Long Term Care Insurance
Long Term Care Planning, Calculators for Insurance
Long Term Care Insurance
Long Term COVID-19 Clinics
Clinics that provide streamlined, comprehensive specialty care for patients who are many weeks beyond the time of their initial COVID-19 infection, but continue to deal with respiratory issues, heart and vascular problems, fatigue, neurological concerns, and more. These clinics provide an opportunity for patients to have their symptoms evaluated in a systematic fashion, benefit from a comprehensive care plan that is overseen by a multidisciplinary team of physicians to help the patient recover from long-term symptoms and put the individual on a path back to wellness.
Center for Post-COVID Care
Post Covid-19 Recovery and Rehabilitation Centers
Post COVID-19 Recovery and Rehabilitation Centers
Post COVID-19 Recovery and Rehabilitation Center
Post COVID-19 Recovery and Rehabilitation Center
RECOVER: Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery
Post-COVID Clinic
Memory Care Assisted Living
Assisted Living residences that specialize in caring for people with Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia.
Memory Care
Nursing Facilities
Residential facilities which include rehabilitative, skilled nursing and/or custodial care.
Nursing Home Compare
Long Term Nursing Facility
A state agency that investigates complaints made by or on behalf of persons in nursing facilities, continuing care retirement communities and assisted living facilities and for persons receiving community-based services, such as home health and personal care.
Long Term Care Problem Assistance
Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Statewide
Options Counseling
Options Counseling is an interactive decision-support process whereby individuals, with support from family members, caregivers, and /or significant others, are supported in their deliberations to make informed long-term support choices in the context of the individual’s preferences, strengths, needed services, values, and individual circumstances.
Veteran-Directed Home and Community Based Services (VD-HCBS)
Retirement Planning
Programs that help people with the process one uses to plan finances and retirement income.