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915 results for "volunteer"

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Volunteering, Wildlife Rescue

Wildlife rescue provides response to inquiries about injured or orphaned wildlife, primarily waterfowl. Under the supervision of a...


Offender Aid and Restoration of Arlington County (OAR) is a private nonprofit that serves the County of Arlington and the Cities...


The Division of Community Maintenance is responsible for enforcing the zoning ordinance and other code sections which relate to...

Senior Companion Program

If you’re 55 and want to share your experience and compassion, you have what it takes to be a Senior Companion. By becoming a...

Volunteering, Medtran

Medtran is a program of Peninsula Agency on Aging (PAA) which provides non-emergency medical transportation for non-Medicaid...

Volunteers, VCU CMH Auxiliary

The purpose of Auxiliary is to advance the welfare of the VCU Community Memorial Hospital through ways approved by the governing...

Volunteering, Gardening

The Arboretum has a place for volunteers from the community who want to provide gardening related labor in partnership with...