Heart disease and stroke account for 1 in 3 deaths in America. Learn more about the Million Hearts initiative to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes.
Incontinence can happen for many reasons including urinary tract infections, vaginal infection or irritation, constipation, and some medications. Incontinence can often be cured or controlled.
Caregiving for your loved one is especially challenging during COVID-19. The Caregiver Tech Tool Finder can help you find the best apps and tech tools for your needs.
This guide will help you work through steps to plan for more recreation and fun. Considerations are made in regards to disability and adaptive equipment.
This brochure from the National Eye Institute reviews diabetic eye disease and diabetic retinopathy, including information on symptoms, detection, treatment, prevention, and research.
Eating the right foods is important throughout life and good nutrition can help you reduce the risk of chronic disease. Eating healthy foods and exercising leads to a higher quality of life as you grow older.