205 Dry River Road
Bridgewater, VA 22812
(540) 828-6288
Get Directions38.3929557, -78.9708931
Contact Information
Who We Are
Central Valley Habitat for Humanity is an ecumenical Christian nonprofit ministry that builds low-cost housing for sale to qualified applicants at no profit and no interest using volunteers and donated funds. Habitat homeowners are chosen without regard to race, religion, or ethnic group.
Habitat for Humanity offers Critical Home Repair for homeowner's primary residences. Home repairs are available for deferred maintenance contributing to a home’s deterioration, diminished functionality, or loss of value. Repairs are also made to restore or improve the safety or security of the home. The total value of the repair must be no more than $5000.
To begin the application process families must meet initial qualifications in order to apply. Qualification information is available on the website.
Central Valley Habitat for Humanity welcomes participation and financial support from local individuals, students, churches, businesses, civic groups, and other organizations.