36.5866988, -79.3893619
Contact Information
Who We Are
Community nonprofits are so important to the health of our residents, but they can’t do it without the help of volunteers.
Throughout the year, nonprofits contact United Way when they are in need of volunteers for an activity or event they are hosting. This might be sorting through donations, assisting Santa to distribute gifts, directing traffic, collecting needed items, serving food to the hungry, helping in the United Way office, or just anything that helps our nonprofits carry out their mission. When we receive a request from a nonprofit, we send an email out to all our Ambassadors with the information (time, place, possible physical requirements, etc.) and then it is up to the volunteer to decide whether or not they are available to help with that particular activity.
The only requirement is that when you are volunteering, you wear your United Way Ambassador t-shirt that is provided to all Ambassadors free of charge.
The Ambassador Program lets you decide when you have the time to help.