301 North Cameron Street
Winchester, VA 22601
(540) 536-1006
Get Directions39.1869307, -78.1635465
Who We Are
Wheels for Wellness (WFW) is a 501 c3 nonprofit that provides free, door-to-door transportation to medical appointments and treatment for those in the service area lacking other means of transportation. The service area includes Winchester and the counties of Frederick, Clarke, Warren, and northern Shenandoah.
WFW aims to serve those who don't qualify for any social service program, cannot afford to own or insure a vehicle, cannot afford hired transportation, have no friends or family available to assist, can no longer safely drive themselves, etc.
Clients must be ambulatory and require little or no assistance. Riders may use a collapsible walker or cane. Wheelchairs cannot be accommodated. Drivers are volunteers and are not trained to lift the rider out of the vehicle.
The service is provided by a fleet of volunteer drivers who are vetted and trained through Valley Health.
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
For Transportation Providers Only: