295 Technology Drive
Rocky Mount, VA 24151
(540) 483-9238
Get Directions37.0128083, -79.8969843
Contact Information
Who We Are
Franklin County Department of Aging offers a medical transportation service to seniors who reside in Franklin County.
Transportation can be provided to and from non-emergency medical, vision, and dental appointments for seniors who lack transportation, are over 60 years of age or older, and have no other means of transportation. Advance scheduling is necessary. Individuals who receive Medicaid should contact ModivCare (formerly Logisticare) by calling 1-866-810-8305 and requesting us as their provider as we cannot transport Medicaid participants directly.
To see if you qualify, please call us at 540-483-9238 for a qualification assessment.
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
For Transportation Providers Only: