Who We Are
Tysons Woods on Electric Avenue offers residential and assisted living care to 8 residents. Services include assistance with activities of daily living. The capacity is 8 residents.
Each resident has a private bedroom; housekeeping services; laundry services; service for every aspect of personal care; custom routines; activities to support mental and physical health, medication management; and transportation to and from medical appointments.
Nurses on call 24/7; house call ready doctors; physical and occupational therapy; incontinence care; dementia care.
Who We Serve
Service Area(s)
Alexandria City
Arlington County
Fairfax City
Fairfax County
Falls Church City
Cost & Payment Methods
Payment Method(s)
Private Pay
Fee Structure
Fee Range
Age Requirements
18 and over
Intake Process
Call the office. Visit the website
Self Refer
Provider Refer
Qualification Type
Qualification Entity
Virginia Department of Social Services