Who We Are
The Manassas Park Community Center offers a variety of memberships available to adults, older adults, families, teens, residents and non residents. The Center offers aquatics, a Wellness Center featuring exercise rooms and dance studio, gymnasium, health clinic, classes, social events, camps, fitness classes, and more
Activities for seniors include pickleball, Aqua-cise, Yoga and Pickle Ball, Social Opportunities like Morning Mochas, Senior Socials and Bingo "Night" and Continuing Education Programs like Technology Skills, Culinary Delights and Book Club. You'll be able to meet new friends and learn new things.
The Seniors Passport Program is now only $20/month. Membership includes all of the benefits of the Fitness PLUS Membership as well as access to all of the senior programs at no additional fee! Enjoy our potlucks, the wellness center, pool, programs and more! Every year, we host a Seniors Easter Egg Hunt, Scavenger Hunt, Regional Trips and a Spring Dance. Non-members may enroll in any of these activities individually by paying the daily drop-in rate.
We do have transportation available to residents of Park Place Senior Apartments on weekdays with pick up times at 8:30am and 11:30am, and drop off times at 11:30am and 2pm at no additional cost.