5525 Raby Road
Norfolk, VA 23502
(757) 543-8100
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Who We Are
Rental Assistance program funds are used to stop clients from being evicted. Availability is May through October. This program is offered as funding permits.
How to Apply:
Prospective clients must be referred by the Regional Housing Crisis. Certain items must be provided.
Items Required:
* Picture ID for primary bill holder/applicant (they should be one in the same)
* Up to date lease
* 5 Day Pay-or-Quit Notice (or equivalent) for rentals
* Private landlords only- copy of picture ID and Social Security Card.
* All utility bills (electric, gas and water).
* Any additional bills (phone, cell phone, credit card, medical bills, etc.)
* Social Security Card, Birth Certificate or other official identification for all additional household members.
* Proof of all household income to include; employment income, unemployment income, food stamps, TANF, child support, disability, retirement, vet benefits, etc.
For more information, call the rental assistance hotline, 757-965-9012 ext. 4. Information changes regularly so clients are urged to call the hotline before taking further action