37.5241927, -77.4489537
Who We Are
The SPAN Center serves as a primary source in planning for and making decisions later in life. Our programs and services help identify and locate the most appropriate solutions based on individual needs. Our services include Care Coordination and Case Management, Caregiver Support Services, Emergency Services, and Financial Assistance, Foster Grandparent Program, and Friendship Cafe Congregate meal sites, Guardianship Program, Home Delivered Meals, Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Medication Assistance /Pharmacy Connection, Money Management Counseling, Computer Resource Center, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP, Senior Center, Senior Employment Services, Senior Medicare Patrol, Short-Term Home Care, Transportation Coordination Services, Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program (VICAP), and Volunteer Opportunities. Detailed information about each of these services is included on this website.