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Blackstone Area Bus System

101 BABS Lane
Blackstone, VA 23824

(434) 292-3025

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37.0925078, -77.9989344

Contact Information

(434) 292-3025

Who We Are

Blackstone Area Bus System (BABS) provides transportation for People with Disabilities who are Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) certified. Riders may be picked up and dropped off curbside within 3/4 of a mile of the regular public transportation fixed route. Call in advance for special pickup and drop-off requirements. All BABS and PAT buses are ADA accessible and equipped with the latest wheelchair lifts and securement systems.

View the routes and schedules on the website. A deviated fixed-route service has a $.50 one-way fare. The exact fare is required. Drivers cannot make change.

See the How to Ride

Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Brunswick County
Dinwiddie County
Nottoway County

Cost & Payment Methods

Payment Method(s)
Cash only
Fee Structure
Fixed Fee

Age Requirements
No Age Requirement
Residency Requirements
Serves residents of the service area.
Other Eligibility Criteria
Must be certified as meeting the medical disability requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Available 24/7
Additional Availability Comments
Individual route schedules are available on the website.

Intake Process
Call for an application. View Transit Guide on the website
Documents Required
Call for details
Self Refer
Provider Refer
Intake Contact Email
Intake Contact Telephone
(434) 292-3025

For Transportation Providers Only:

We can accommodate riders with:
Manual wheelchairs
Powered wheelchairs
To accommodate riders, we offer:
Staff training on assisting people with mobility problems
Voice announcements

Report Problems
Call the Agency