4200 Innslake Drive
Suite 301
Glen Allen, VA 23260
(800) 344-4867
Get Directions37.6520919, -77.582897
Contact Information
Who We Are
The Virginia - West Virginia Chapter provides programs, services and activities in areas such as knowledge, health and independence to empower those affected by multiple sclerosis. Services are available to persons and their families having a diagnosis of or suspected of having multiple sclerosis and deal primarily with information and referral, education, counseling, aquatics therapy, equipment provision and advocacy. Chapter programs are made possible by our fundraising success.
The Society and its network of chapters nationwide promote research, educate, advocate on critical issues, and organize a wide range of programs, including support for the newly diagnosed and those living with MS.
Chapter members receive our newsletter and mailings about programs, events and volunteer opportunities. Many of our programs and services are free or require nominal fees.