10525 Seminole Avenue
Richmond, VA 23237
(804) 279-9516
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Who We Are
Petersburg Baptist Association has a Parish Nurse. Functions of a Parish Nurse are as health advocate and referral agent, developer of support groups, personal health counselor, coordinator and teacher of volunteers, liaison with community health organizations and clarifiesf relationship between faith and health.
A parish nurse educates and counsels congregations and individuals on health-related issues and the relationship between body, mind and spirit.
The Parish Nurse Coordinator is available to: consult in creating parish nurse programs, train parish nurses through a preparation course, assist with individual and congregational health assessments, link parish nurses with other ministries within the congregation, create continuing education and networking opportunities, provide ongoing encouragement and mentorship to parish nurses. There are 56 congregations in Petersburg Baptist Association (PBA) and 10 volunteer parish nurses.