105 East Calhoun Street
Salem, VA 24153
(540) 387-5530
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Who We Are
The Roanoke County/Salem Health Department offers a Long Term Care Pre-Admissions Screening program which provides a timely screening assessment for Medicaid or Medicaid-eligible clients needing nursing home placement or services in the home or community. The target population for this program includes the elderly, disabled adults, or children needing a waiver for long-term placement or services for home-based care. Screenings are conducted in partnership with the Department of Social Services. A nurse and a social worker screen the client to determine if they meet Medicaid’s criteria for either (1) Functional capacity: the degree of assistance an individual needs to complete the activities of daily living (bathing, toileting, dressing) or (2) Medical or Nursing need (wound care).
Services may include the following: in-home care, adult day care, or admission to a care facility. Contact your local Department of Social Services for an appointment.