P O Box 604
Mechanicsville, VA 23111
(804) 357-9360
Get Directions37.677777, -77.2561643
Who We Are
Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions (MCEF) offers a Senior Rides program. Volunteer drivers use their vehicles to provide transportation to medical appointments, the bank, and the store for senior adults who cannot drive themselves. Riders must be ambulatory but may use a cane or a folding walker.
All drivers are qualified through background checks and safety training. MCEF provides liability insurance coverage and pays each driver 25 cents per mile.
Serves zip codes 23111 and 23116 in Mechanicsville and zip codes 23005, 23059, 23069, and 23047 in Hanover. To participate in this ministry as a rider, driver, or a ride coordinator, please call (804) 357-9360.
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
For Transportation Providers Only: