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Virginia Beach Senior Resource Guide

Credit: Daniel Halseth/Unsplash

Sea breezes beckon you to Virginia Beach, a great place for anyone who loves fishing, shopping, sunbathing, birdwatching or just strolling the boardwalk. As the largest city in Virginia by population, Virginia Beach has an abundance of activities and amenities for seniors — and SeniorNavigator can help you find them.

We’re a nonprofit that connects older Virginians with valuable information and resources related to affordable housing, transportation, in-home care, medical care, financial assistance and more. Here are some of the most frequently searched senior services in Virginia Beach.

Senior Housing in Virginia Beach 

As you explore senior housing options you may find it helpful to check out the Genworth Cost of Care Survey. This tool provides local information on in home care and long term care housing costs. SeniorNavigator can help you find all the local options for senior housing, whatever your needs and budget may be.

Senior Care in Virginia Beach

Whether you’re searching for services to help you live independently or care for a loved one, SeniorNavigator can help.

Senior Services in Virginia Beach 

More older Virginians are choosing to age in place — but sometimes they need help to successfully navigate health and home maintenance challenges. SeniorNavigator connects older Virginia Beach residents with the services they need to live independently and stay healthy.

Our mission is to help seniors in Virginia Beach and throughout Virginia find the resources they need to stay healthy and live well. Visit the SeniorNavigator homepage and search for services by city/ZIP code and topic. We’re always updating our database to include comprehensive, unbiased and reliable information.

One fantastic resource for seniors in the Virginia Beach area is Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia, the Area Agency on Aging serving Hampton Roads. SSSEVA offers caregiver support, free educational and wellness classes, Medicare counseling, senior transportation and paratransit, and Meals on Wheels food delivery. Contact SSSEVA for more information.

Are you a veteran, or are you caring for a loved one who served in the military? VeteransNavigator connects Virginia’s veterans to local supports and services. Find employment programs, benefit assistance, housing for veterans and more at

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