1105 West Danville Street
South Hill, VA 23970
(434) 447-7661
Get Directions36.7214038, -78.1476331
Who We Are
The Lake Country Area Agency on Agency (LCAAA) Transportation Department provides a fleet of vehicles to transport older adults to and from nonemergency medical appointments, physical therapy, counseling, and other medical necessities. When a fare is charged, an exact fare is required. Drivers do not make change.
Transportation is provided through the counties of Mecklenburg, Brunswick, and Halifax. Wheelchair-accessible transportation can be provided to all medical facilities. Forty-eight-hour notice is required before the scheduled appointment time. Medicaid transportation is provided.
Drivers are trained in passenger assistance, first aid, CPR, and defensive driving. Drivers are in constant communication with LCAA. Each vehicle is equipped with a two-way radio system. When clients are transported out of the radio-service area, a cellular telephone is provided.
Transportation is possible as far as Richmond, Virginia, Durham, North Carolina, and other locations
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
For Transportation Providers Only: