307 South Park Street
Marion, VA 24354
(276) 783-8411
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Who We Are
The W.W. Scott Senior Citizens Center provides a community focal point where older persons, as individuals or as a group, come together for services and activities which enhance their dignity, support their independence and encourage involvement in community activities.
Services and activities include education, creative arts, recreation, health, nutrition and others. Daily activities may include exercise class, fitness room, many different dance classes, assorted craft projects, cards, billiards, travel, entertainment, hot lunches, and much more.
Activities scheduled throughout the month are bingo, horticulture classes, dinner outings, movie nights, shopping trips, blood pressure checks and occasionally free "blood sugar checks".
The Center also has a "Beauty Parlor" that is open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday and Friday.
The Center also has a beauty salon that is open on Wednesday and Friday from 9a.m. to 3 p.m.