1716 Pleasure House Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
(757) 318-9355
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Bending Tree Tai Chi provides methods of how to deal with stress, to quiet the mind, to stop worrying and to promote your wellness. Tai Chi Wellness (Qigong), is offered once a week. The Tai Chi for Arthritis, Tai Chi for Health, and Tai Chi for Diabetes classes are 1 hour long. Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention is helpful for individuals with a chronic illness.
As the classes are progressive (building-block style), practice is helpful between classes. These classes incorporate specific breathing and joint opening exercises, which alone will help improve your flexibility and overall health.
Ask about other classes, workshops, retreats, and products for seniors to practice and study the ancient Chinese moving meditation called Tai Chi or Chi Kung (qigong).
Bending Tree is now part of Tai Chi East-West Alliance (TEA).