2B Corporate Drive
Radford, VA 24141
(540) 831-4020
Get Directions37.0959024, -80.5780415
Contact Information
Who We Are
Community Transit (CT) serves individuals in the community who live with behavioral health, substance use, and developmental disability issues. This transportation service of New River Valley Community Services (NRVCSA) provides transportation to and from day support and treatment programs for New River Valley Community Services clients. The program offers transportation to hospitals and doctor visits for individuals with Medicaid transportation funds.
There is a fleet of 10 body-on-chassis buses and 6 mini-vans. All CT vehicles are accessible with wheelchair lifts or ramps and securement areas. All CT drivers are certified in Passenger Service and Safety (PASS) training.
NRVCS Transportation Services headquarters is located in Radford, and is the center of operations for Community Transit and the Radford Transit system. The Montgomery Center is located in Blacksburg.
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
For Transportation Providers Only: