1710 Whitfield Drive
Bedford, VA 24523
(540) 587-3315
Get Directions37.353131, -79.5191743
Who We Are
Serving the county of Bedford, Bedford Ride is administered by the Central Virginia Alliance for Community Living, Inc. (CVAC). This partnership has drawn hundreds of volunteers to support individuals over 60 and adults living with disabilities.
With two business days' notice, volunteers provide transportation to non-emergency medical, non-Medicaid services on a first come first serve basis. Communities served include:
- Forest/Goode
- Big Island
- Stewartsville/Chamblissburg/Goodview
- Town of Bedford
- Montvale
- Thaxton/Taylor Mountain
Appointments should be scheduled between (8:00 am-2:00 pm. Transportation is not available when CVACL offices are closed for holidays, weather events, or other circumstances beyond the agency's control. Transportation requests should be made as far in advance as possible, but a minimum of two business days in advance. Exceptions, due to unusual circumstances, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Volunteers are needed. Drivers are screened and trained. Other volunteers are needed as dispatchers, driver's escorts, and recruiters. Call the main number for more volunteer information.
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
For Transportation Providers Only: