38.6302679, -77.2959893
Who We Are
OmniRide Ridesharing is a free, personalized ride-matching service to find a carpool or vanpool. OmniRide Ridesharing uses the Commuter Connections database to link commuters who live and work near one another and have similar work hours. Complete the Match Request form, and you will receive a list of potential ridesharing matches. Many carpools and vanpools start at commuter lots within the Prince William area, bound for destinations throughout Northern Virginia, the District, and Maryland.
If you live outside Prince William County, Manassas, and Manassas Park, a listing of the Rideshare Programs in other localities can be found by visiting Commuter Connections' Resources page or by calling Commuter Connections at (800) 745-7433.
Who We Serve
Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Manassas City
Manassas Park City
Prince William County
Cost & Payment Methods
Fee Structure
No Fee
Age Requirements
18 and over
Residency Requirements
Serves residents of Manassas, Manassas City, and Prince William County.
Other Eligibility Criteria
Service targets Prince William County, Manassas area commuters, wishing to rideshare.
Available 24/7
Additional Availability Comments
Hours vary based on when you need the rides.
Intake Process
Call or complete the MatchRequest form, then the Rideshare Specialist can obtain all the data necessary to create your ridesharing match list. The forms can be delivered by email, fax, or regular mail.
Documents Required
Call for details
Self Refer
Provider Refer
Intake Contact Email
Intake Contact Telephone
(800) 745-7433
Report Problems
Call the Agency