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Blaze A Trail To Reinvention

Today, older Americans are living longer and more healthfully than ever before. What does this mean for our notions of life after a career? Many retirees are finding new inspiration in second careers, helping others, discovering new interests, and pursuing dreams. Reinventing yourself can be fun and rewarding. Even better: it is also good for your mental and physical well-being.

Whether you are planning for retirement or simply looking to get involved in new activities, start by thinking about your skills, dreams, and passions.

Follow Your Passion, Use Your Skills

Careers after retirement can be rewarding, personally and financially. First, determine whether you have the skills needed for a new venture. If so, update your resume and start looking at job posts. If not, seek out classes and training—online or at a local college. Remember to ask whether financial assistance is available.

Express yourself through the arts. Learn to paint or draw, dust off those dancing shoes, or put your musical talent to use. Take a class in stand-up comedy or acting, or finally write that story. Even if you never felt artistic, everyone has the ability to be creative. As a bonus, studies show that the arts can improve brain health.

Keep learning and growing! Learn a new language or take a computer class. Or, maybe you have always wanted to travel and discover other cultures. No matter what you choose, pursuing a new interest will help keep you happy, healthy, and connected.

Consider using your years of experience to serve others. Volunteers meet a range of community needs, from mentoring at-risk youth to providing job training to helping families recover from disasters. Find opportunities at or by visiting a local organization or charity.

The Benefits:

  • Helps keep your mind active
  • Helps maintain physical health
  • Provides structure and routine
  • Connects you with the community
  • Promotes social activities
  • Helps prevent isolation
  • Provides income in some cases

Tip: Need Help Deciding What to do?

Connect with your local senior center, community college, or library to find programs in your community.

Article Source
Administration for Community Living
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