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125 Bowden Street
Saluda, VA

(804) 758-2311

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Contact Information

(804) 758-2311
(877) 451-1555

Who We Are

MidPenRideShare is a resource for finding greener options like carpool, vanpool, transit, bike or telecommute.  This program is a free commuter matching service for anyone who lives or works in the Middle Peninsula area and offers real-time ride-matching with commuters near you who share similar hours and work locations.

The Guaranteed Ride Home Program (GRH) insures that those who carpool or vanpool to work always have a way home. Personal or family emergencies, unexpected requirements to work late, carpool or vanpool vehicle breakdowns are all covered by this service.

No vehicles are operated by MidPenRideShare. 


Who We Serve

Service Area(s)
Essex County
Gloucester County
King William County
King and Queen County
Mathews County
Middlesex County

Cost & Payment Methods

Fee Structure
No Fee

Age Requirements
18 and over

Intake Process
Call or visit the website, Complete application
Self Refer
Provider Refer